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Enhance Web Accessibility: Try These Key Strategies By Acw Circle

Disabilities that affect your connection to the digital world of websites, like cognitive, auditory, and related problems are core issues that need a resolution. Otherwise, your audience will face a hampered user experience, increasing the unwanted stats like bounce rate. If you’re looking for effective solutions to fix web accessibility problems, this guide by ACW Circle is must-read.  

By making websites more inclusive, businesses can reach a broader audience, improve customer satisfaction, and ensure that everyone can interact with their content regardless of their abilities. Through this article, we’ll explore the tactics to do so, highlighting the reasons to improve web accessibility and providing practical ways. 

Understanding Web Accessibility 

Web accessibility is designing and developing website that makes sure people with disabilities can use them effectively. Disabilities that affect website interactions include visual, auditory, cognitive, and motor impairments. Enhancing web accessibility allows businesses to provide an inclusive online experience that accommodates diverse needs. 


Boosting Web Accessibility: Why Is It Needed? 

Why make a website accessible, you ask? Here are the compelling reasons: 

Legal Compliance 

Many countries have laws mandating web accessibility. For instance, the United States Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as well as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) laid by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) provide a framework for accessible design. Legal consequences and penalties may arise if you don't abide by them. 

Broader Audience Reach 

By making websites accessible, businesses can reach a larger audience, including individuals with disabilities, elderly users, and those using different technologies. This inclusivity can lead to increased website interactions and potentially higher conversions. 

Enhanced User Experience 

One of the most important reasons to improve web accessibility is that accessible websites offer a better user experience for everyone, with the added bonus of people with disabilities. Features like clear navigation, text transcripts, and keyboard-friendly design improve usability for all users. 

SEO Benefits 

Search engines favor websites that are accessible because these sites are easier to navigate and understand. Features such as image alt text and proper use of headings can improve search engine rankings, increasing visibility and traffic. 

Tactics That Help Improve Web Accessibility

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There are various ways to improve web accessibility, each addressing different aspects of the user experience. Here are some effective strategies: 

Simplify Website Designs 

A simple, clean website design is crucial for accessibility. Complex layouts can confuse users, especially those with cognitive disabilities. Streamlining the design with clear navigation and consistent layouts helps users easily find what they are looking for. 

Why make a website accessible with a simple design?  

When you simplify website designs, you reduce cognitive load and make it easier for screen readers to interpret content.  

They also minimize distractions, allowing users to focus on the main content. 

Use Proper Color Contrast Ratios 

When you use proper color contrast ratios, those who have visual impairments like color blindness or low vision experience a significant improvement in their web experience.    

How to make a website accessible using color contrast?  

Make sure to keep sufficient contrast between text and background colors.   

The minimum contrast ratio recommended by WCAG is 4.5:1 for normal text. It is 3:1 for large text.   

Tools like WebAIM’s Color Contrast Checker can help determine if your website meets these guidelines. 

Include Captions And Text Transcripts 

Video content is an integral part of many websites, but it can be inaccessible to users who are deaf or hard of hearing. Including captions and text transcripts ensures that all users can understand video content. 

Make Your Website Inclusive  

Do so by providing captions for videos and audio descriptions for users with visual impairments.  

Text transcripts can also improve SEO, as search engines can index the transcript content. 

Use Headings To Structure Content 

Headings are not just for visual hierarchy; they also allow screen readers to understand the structure of the page. Using headings correctly (H1, H2, H3, etc.) ensures that content is well-organized and accessible. 

Why make a website accessible using headings?  

Properly structured headings improve navigation for users with screen readers.  

It allows them to quickly skip to the content sections they are interested in. 

Add Image Alt Text 

Alt text (alternative text) describes the image content and is read by screen readers to help users understand the context. Adding descriptive alt text to images is essential for users who are visually impaired and helps make a website more accessible.   

How to make a website accessible with alt text?  

Write concise, descriptive alt text that conveys the purpose of the image.   

If the image is purely aesthetic, use a null alt attribute (alt="") to indicate that it does not provide meaningful content. 

Make Your Site Keyboard-Friendly 

Many users with disabilities rely on keyboards rather than mice to navigate websites. Ensuring that your site is keyboard-friendly is a fundamental aspect of web accessibility. 

Ways to improve web accessibility through keyboard navigation 

Ensure all interactive elements (links, buttons, forms) are accessible via keyboard.  

Use focus indicators to highlight the current element being navigated. 

Add Labels And Titles To Forms 

Forms are a common website feature but can be challenging for users with disabilities. Labels and titles provide context and instructions, making forms more accessible. 

How to make a website accessible with labeled forms?  

Ensure every form field has a label that clearly describes its purpose.  

Use ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) labels for complex forms to provide additional context. 

Offer Different CAPTCHA Options 

CAPTCHAs are often used to prevent spam but can be inaccessible to users with visual or cognitive disabilities. 

Why make a website accessible with alternative CAPTCHAs?  

Offer different CAPTCHA options, such as audio CAPTCHAs or simple math problems, to accommodate different users’ needs. 

Remove Flickering Content 

Content that flashes or flickers can be a cause of seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy. It can also be distracting or annoying for other users. 

How to make a website accessible by removing flickering content?  

Make sure you don't have content that flashes more than three times per second.    

If such content is necessary, provide a warning and an option to pause or stop the content. 


Implementing Accessibility Best Practices 

All these strategies answer the crucial question of “how to make website accessible” and enhance the inclusivity and usability of a website. Here are some additional best practices to consider: 

Conduct Accessibility Audits: Regularly audit your website using automated tools like WAVE or manual testing with assistive technologies like screen readers that detects and addresses accessibility issues.   

Educate Your Team: Train your web developers, designers, and content creators on accessibility principles and guidelines. Building an inclusive culture ensures an ongoing commitment to accessibility. 

Stay Updated with WCAG Guidelines: The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are frequently updated to reflect new technologies and best practices. Staying informed about these updates can help maintain compliance and improve user experience. 


The Business Case For Web Accessibility 

Beyond ethical and legal considerations, there are strong business incentives to improve web accessibility: 

Increased Revenue: Making your website accessible can increase revenue by increasing your customer base to include people with disabilities, seniors, and others who require accessible features.   

Enhanced Brand Reputation: Companies that prioritize inclusivity and accessibility are often viewed more favorably by customers, enhancing brand loyalty and trust. 

Reduced Legal Risks: By complying with accessibility standards, businesses can avoid costly lawsuits and any damage to their reputation.   


Summing Up 

Enhancing web accessibility is beyond meeting legal requirements; it’s about creating a more inclusive and user-friendly web environment for everyone. Prioritizing accessibility will remain crucial for creating a more inclusive online world with the continuous digital evolution. Focusing on the strategies mentioned above will make your website more accessible, foster better website interactions, and demonstrate your commitment to inclusivity.  

Remember, an accessible website is a gateway to reaching a broader, more diverse audience. Embrace these changes today to make your website inclusive and accessible to all. 

For any queries regarding website accessibility, design, and development, you can contact our expert team at ACW Circle. We offer proficient Web Development Solutions in USA




1. How would I know if my website is ADA-compliant?  

You can check your web compliance with the ADA regulations using free tools like WAVE and Lighthouse, conducting manual audits, getting a professional evaluation, and ensuring your website follows the WCAG guidelines adopted by ADA. 

2. Are there any principles of web accessibility? 

Yes, there are four principles of website accessibility- POUR. POUR is the acronym for 




